Hymns for accordion




Moeilijkheidsgraad: 2

1. All Hail The Power Of Jesus’ Name [Gary Meisner]

2. Amazing Grace [Gary Meisner]

3. Be Thou My Vision [Gary Meisner]

4. Beautiful Savior [Gary Meisner]

5. Blessed Assurance [Gary Meisner]

6. Come, Thou Almighty King [Gary Meisner]

7. Come, Thou Fount Of Every Blessing [Gary Meisner]

8. Crown Him With Many Crowns [Gary Meisner]

9. For The Beauty Of The Earth [Gary Meisner]

10. Holy, Holy, Holy [Gary Meisner]

11. I Love To Tell The Story [Gary Meisner]

12. I Need Thee Every Hour [Gary Meisner]

13. I Surrender All [Gary Meisner]

14. In The Garden [Gary Meisner]

15. It Is Well With My Soul [Gary Meisner]

16. Just A Closer Walk With Thee [Gary Meisner]

17. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God [Gary Meisner]

18. My Faith Looks Up To Thee [Gary Meisner]

19. Nearer, My God, To Thee [Gary Meisner]

20. The Old Rugged Cross [Gary Meisner]

21. Rock Of Ages [Gary Meisner]

22. Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us [Gary Meisner]

23. This Is My Father’s World [Gary Meisner]

24. What A Friend We Have In Jesus [Gary Meisner]

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Gesloten van 23 december tot 1 januari * Fermé du 23 Décembre au premier janvier ~Prettige feesten * Bonnes fêtes~